Thursday, March 21, 2013

fairly fuse-ful

One of my dissatisfactions with the current state of Roodylib is that things like redrawing the screen after a screen size change or after leaving a menu does not include relevant event code if something happens to be going on. Luckily, this doesn't come up very often, and it's probably pretty easy to shrug off but it still annoys me.

You could just call runevents again, but since most fuses and daemons are timer-based, many would progress an extra turn where you do not want them to. When I used to think about how I could conceivably fix this, I thought about a complicated write-event-messages-to-string-arrays system that'd print messages again. Today, it occurred to me to change the fuse code to redefine how they work. In my new code, the timer now is a calculation between the game counter and fuse length.

While not necessary for the code to work, I added a new property to fuse objects so existing fuse code out there will still work with the new stuff. Since daemon code (I mean that in the non-fuse sense) usage is so open-ended, I took a gamble and coded it to assume the opposite-of-fuse, a timer that increases with every turn instead of decreases.

Of course, depending on what your fuse/daemon code does, you'd still have to code them strategically so they can be smartly run several times per turn.

This is another thing where I'm not sure how quickly I'll add it to RoodyLib, as it may make some assumptions that might not be good for all games.

Anyhow, the code:

property fuse_length alias e_to

replace fuse
    type fuse
    size 0
        if self.fuse_length
            return (self.fuse_length - counter)
            return 0
    fuse_length 0
    in_scope 0
            if self.timer <= 0
                self.fuse_length = 0
#ifset DEBUG
        if debug_flags & D_FUSES
            print "[Running fuse "; number self; ":  timer = ";
            print number self.timer; "]"

        if self.timer = 0
        return self.timer

property timer_start alias fuse_length

replace daemon  ! replaced just the daemon is near the fuse in the object tree
    type daemon
    size 0
    in_scope 0
        if self.timer_start
            return (counter - self.timer_start)
            return 0

Activate - added a warning for when it is called before the player global has been set.
replace Activate(a, set)                ! <set> is for fuses only
    local err
    if not player
        print "[WARNING:  The player global must be set before
        daemon (object "; number a;") can be activated.]"
        err = true
    a.in_scope = player
    a is active
    if a.type = fuse and not err
        if set
            a.fuse_length = (counter + set)

        run a.activate_event
    elseif a.type = daemon and not err
        if set and not a.#timer_start
            print "[WARNING:  Attempt to set nonexistent timer
                property on daemon (object "; number a; ")]"
            err = true
            a.timer_start = (counter - set)

        run a.activate_event
    elseif not err
        print "[WARNING:  Attempt to activate non-fuse/\
        daemon (object "; number a; ")]"
        err = true

#ifset DEBUG
    if debug_flags & D_FUSES and not err
        print "[Activating ";; " "; number a;
        if a.type = fuse
            print " (timer = "; number a.timer; ")";
        print "]"
    if err
        "\npress a key to continue..."
    return (not err)

replace Deactivate(a)
    local err

    remove a
    a.in_scope = 0
    a is not active

    if a.type ~= fuse and a.type ~= daemon
        print "[WARNING:  Attempt to deactivate non-fuse/\
            daemon (object "; number a; ")]"
        err = true
        run a.deactivate_event

#ifset DEBUG
    if debug_flags & D_FUSES and not err
        print "[Deactivating ";; " "; number a; "]"

    return (not err)
#endif ! ifclear NO_FUSES

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