I decided just now that I'd code my own version of "runevents" that I'd run in such cases. I call it... fake_runevents!
The new "NEW_FUSE" code:
#ifclear NO_FUSESSo, you copy your "event in <fuse or daemon>" code to the fuse's fake_event property. Of course, like the old "new fuse" stuff, whether or not your code properly prints stuff will be based on whether your code uses the new counter-based timing effectively.
#ifset NEW_FUSE
property fuse_length alias e_to
replace fuse
type fuse
size 0
if self.fuse_length
return (self.fuse_length - counter)
return 0
fuse_length 0
in_scope 0
local a
a = self.timer
if a <= 0
self.fuse_length = 0
#ifset DEBUG
if debug_flags & D_FUSES
print "[Running fuse "; number self; ": timer = ";
print number a; "]"
if a = 0
return a
property timer_start alias fuse_length
property fake_event alias s_to
replace daemon
type daemon
size 0
in_scope 0
if self.timer_start
return (counter - self.timer_start)
return 0
object fuse_bucket
routine fake_runevents
local i
for i in fuse_bucket
! if i.type = fuse
! {
run i.fake_event
! }
#endif ! NEW_FUSE
Activate - added a warning for when it is called before the player global has been set.
replace Activate(a, set) ! <set> is for fuses only
local err
if not player
print "[WARNING: The player global must be set before
daemon (object "; number a;") can be activated.]"
err = true
#ifset NEW_FUSE
move a to fuse_bucket
a.in_scope = player
a is active
if a.type = fuse and not err
if set
#ifclear NEW_FUSE
a.timer = set
a.fuse_length = (counter + set)
run a.activate_event
elseif a.type = daemon and not err
#ifclear NEW_FUSE
if set and not a.#timer
if set and not a.#timer_start
print "[WARNING: Attempt to set nonexistent timer
property on daemon (object "; number a; ")]"
err = true
#ifclear NEW_FUSE
a.timer = set
a.timer_start = (counter - set)
run a.activate_event
elseif not err
print "[WARNING: Attempt to activate non-fuse/\
daemon (object "; number a; ")]"
err = true
#ifset DEBUG
if debug_flags & D_FUSES and not err
print "[Activating "; a.name; " "; number a;
if a.type = fuse
print " (timer = "; number a.timer; ")";
print "]"
if err
"\npress a key to continue..."
return (not err)
replace Deactivate(a)
local err
remove a
a.in_scope = 0
a is not active
if a.type ~= fuse and a.type ~= daemon
print "[WARNING: Attempt to deactivate non-fuse/\
daemon (object "; number a; ")]"
err = true
run a.deactivate_event
#ifset DEBUG
if debug_flags & D_FUSES and not err
print "[Deactivating "; a.name; " "; number a; "]"
return (not err)
#endif ! ifclear NO_FUSES
Anyhow, my guess is that "runevents" uses a fair amount of memory since it's doing a lot of FindObject-y stuff behind the scenes, and this method of helping Hugo find the fuses and daemons quicker seems to help my test game out a good amount.
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